Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kelsey Health Update - Part II

I am learning more and more things each week about my leg and blood clots.  Since my blood levels and viscosity have been consistent and back to normal for the past month, my hematologist recommended me to a vascular specialist since I am still in pain.  I went twice this past week for two more ultrasounds - one to look at my deep veins and to rule out Deep vein thrombosis again, and then the second to review my superficial vein system (veins close to the surface that branch off from the main veins).  The results show that I still have a blood clot in one of my main veins, and then a clot in my small saphenous superficial vein. 

To make a long story short, basically we need to wait out the main clot before we can tackle the superficial system.  I thought that the Coumadin would do that; however, I learned that the Coumadin just prevents any other clots from happening by making sure everything is normal and consistent.  My body has to process and dissolve the clots naturally; therefore, I am trying everything I can to help speed the process - oil pulling, double doses of Apple Cider vinegar, and Cayenne Pepper.  All three of these things help with circulation and are the best natural ways to get rid of clots.  Once the main clot has dissolved we can go in and take out my superficial veins (short/small saphenous and Great/Large).  Even if the superficial clot dissolves, those veins are already ruined and will do more harm than good - causing more varicose and spider veins, and will hinder my blood flow in my leg.  This is called superficial venous reflux disease.  The cure is to go in with a catheter to dissolve the vein, and then your body will flush the vein out naturally. 

We will keep a watch on everything, but the game plan for now is to wait out the clots and assess everything at the end of September.  Hopefully by then the main clot will be gone!

Once again, Derek and I thank you so much for all of your prayers and support.  This has been an interesting postpartum recovery for sure :)
 Diagram of the minor procedure.  I have had varicose veins in my leg since I was 18, and typically this is a cosmetic procedure; however, now insurance will cover this since this is a medical condition - HALLELUJAH!

 Diagram of our veins to help explain where everything is in my lower leg.
I think this picture is so sweet.  There was one day where I really could not walk and Derek had to go into the office, so we just hung out as a family on my bed with my leg propped up.  He was the sweetest boy and was so easy that day.

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